Out of Water!
Get notifcations when your tree needs water.
Set it, forget it.
Elf takes care of itself. Never needs maintenance and takes less that 60 seconds to set up.
Elf works 24/7
Elf shouts: "Out of water! Out of Water!" As soon as the water gets too low, because Elf is always on the look out.
Enjoy your holiday.
We designed the Elf to be your own little Santa's helper. One less thing you have to remember this Christmas.
Set it, forget it.
Pro ei falli molestie, per ex dicam option epicuri, deserunt necessitatibus ius et. Erat etiam duo id, sea fugit malorum posidonium an, Erat etiam duo id, sea
Elf works 24/7
Ad esse blandit periculis per. Eos at prima voluptua fabellas, his eruditi gloriatur definitiones cu. Ad esse blandit periculis per. Eos at prima voluptua fabellas.
Enjoy your holiday.
Vix oporteat gubergren ne, dicam altera argumentum mei no, an ius verear offendit tacimates. Sed eu sumo labitur verterem, quod feugait euripidis ex sit
Set it, forget it.
Elf takes care of itself. Never needs maintenance and takes less that 60 seconds to set up.
Elf works 24/7
Elf shouts: "Out of water! Out of Water!" As soon as the water gets too low, because Elf is always on the look out.
Enjoy your holiday.
We designed the Elf to be your own little Santa's helper. One less thing you have to remember this Christmas.